Ace the Radiology Practice Test 2024 – X-ray Your Success!

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What consequence may occur if an x-ray operator inadvertently holds the film in the patient's mouth?

Fractured film


If an X-ray operator inadvertently holds the film in the patient's mouth, the most relevant consequence would relate to poor image quality. When the operator physically holds the film, it can lead to motion blur or incorrect positioning, resulting in a diagnostic image that is not clear or usable for interpretation. Proper film/sensor placement is crucial for obtaining high-quality images. While other choices such as fractured film, chemical burns, or even amputation may seem serious, they aren't typically associated with the specific act of improperly holding film during an X-ray procedure. The direct consequence of such action primarily tends to affect the integrity of the imaging process rather than physical harm or injury to the patient. Thus, the correct focus is on how the quality of the image would be compromised.

Poor image quality

Chemical burns


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